Go to File > Options > Save, and select or clear AutoSave OneDrive and SharePoint Online files by default on Word.

You can also set the length of time in between when Word saves AutoRecover data. Uncheck the box for “Save AutoRecover information every x minutes” if you wish to disable the AutoRecover feature.Open Word and select “File” > “Options“.Word 2019/365: Enable or Disable AutoRecover Save Move and store your document on OneDrive and the AutoSave button will become active automatically. If it is grayed out, it is because your document does not reside on OneDrive or a SharePoint server. Microsoft has added an AutoSave feature to documents using OneDrive, but there is no way to turn it off. Search for Word (or any Office app), click the top result to open the experience.

To enable AutoRecover for documents that you store locally on your computer, do the following:

3 How do I turn on AutoSave in Word 2019?.